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My Freedom

My Freedom

My freedom
is a unique expression
of the sincere soul
when it glides like an eagle
at high altitude
in determination,
not pliable
to others' maneuvers.
In the rhythm of my
pure and rugged heart
that beats only
for its conscience
reflected in justice,
free from all corruption.
My freedom
breathes only its own
audacity in escaping
from murky waters
where it would foolishly drown, knowingly guilty.
My freedom
is a journey
with no return,
not understood by many,
dark for many,
but it is a bright blaze
and tangible scourge
when it extends its
mighty hand
to offer sure help
to the needy throng!
Oppose me
as much as you want
with spider silk
to degrade the footprints
of my irreproachable identity
that crushes you,
oh beautiful face of coarse bronze,
if you please, but...
My freedom will remain
a state of
absolute autonomy,
essentially felt
as a right,
and as such guaranteed
by a precise
unyielding will,
not tradeable
to a differently honest public,
in their movements,
in the path of their
hardened delirium.
Far from me,
oh cage of the yoke,
the hidden shadow
to entangle my wings,
or I will be a burning sword
to disarm you
from the tattered clothes
you possess,
blind fool,
that predominant fate
wraps you
that would want to entangle me,
and I assure you,
will never succeed.

Laura Lapietra

segnalata da Laura Lapietra venerdì 11 ottobre 2024


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